Introducing Informed Decisions

Denver’s Newest Real Estate TV Segment

I believe in the life-changing potential of real estate.

Owning a home is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s about building a future.

But last year, as interest rates began their ascent, a tide of misleading headlines flooded in. I watched as these narratives sowed doubt, hindered dreams, and instilled paralyzing fear.

Time and again, I found myself debunking myths and offering clarity. I realized that the antidote to misinformation was genuine insight.

So, I turned to these newsletters and to LinkedIn to combat the clickbait. I began to share data, firsthand experiences, and real-time market perspectives to light the way for those navigating these uncertain waters.

Little did I expect that my voice would catch the eye of a larger platform. A surprise call from a local TV station in September has opened a new door for me to impact a bigger audience.

Now, every Wednesday at 9 AM, I invite you to join me on Great Day Colorado on KWGN Ch. 2, the number one daytime news channel with millions of monthly online views, for my new real estate-focused segment called, ‘Informed Decisions!’ All episodes will be housed here so check in weekly if you don’t have a digital antenna to watch live!