Maximizing VA Home Loan Benefits: Expert Guidance from Veteran Realtor Lauryn Dempsey

As we observe Veterans Day this week, we’re reminded of the profound impact our service members have on our nation and their transition back into civilian life. In today’s segment of ‘Informed Decisions,’ I have the pleasure of delving into the world of real estate opportunities for our veterans, active-duty personnel, and reservists.

My own military background began with inspiration from my grandmother, a proud U.S. Navy WAVES service member in the 1950s. Her stories fueled my ambition, leading me to the U.S. Naval Academy and into a career that spanned driving amphibious assault ships and chasing submarines, to communications and PR at the Pentagon. The Navy didn’t just offer me an adventure; it provided a foundation for my future.

One such opportunity was the VA Home Loan. Encouraged by my dad, I bought my first home at 22 during the height of the 2008 recession, closing on Dec. 31, 2008. It was more than a purchase; it was an empowerment. Since then, I’ve used real estate as a tool for building wealth and stability.

Now, let’s break down the VA home loan, a privilege granted since 1944 as gratitude for military service during World War II. Eligibility extends to those with 90 days of active continuous service or six years in the reserves or guard. This zero-down payment option opens the doors to homeownership, though it’s crucial to note that “zero down” doesn’t mean “no money needed”—a common misconception.

As veterans, taking advantage of this can seem daunting, which is why partnering with an ally is essential. With my real estate expertise, I aim to navigate fellow veterans through the nuances of the VA home loan process, debunk misconceptions and use the loan benefits to their full extent, including the possibility of an assumable loan at lower rates.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing. Some sellers hesitate to accept VA offers due to misunderstandings regarding the loan’s nature. That’s where the right real estate agent makes a difference—someone who comprehends the intricacies of VA loans and can advocate for veterans effectively.

Next week, we’ll shift gears slightly to focus on selling your home in the spring and the best preparations for that season. But as Veterans Day approaches, let’s remember the sacrifices made by our service members and the avenues available to them upon return—like the VA home loan, a bridge from military service to homeownership and financial security.

For those in Denver looking to navigate these waters, reach out to me and my team at Dempsey Group.