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Real Estate Is Powerful

Real Estate Is Powerful

2022 REAL ESTATE REFLECTION Six years ago today on Dec. 16, 2016, my then-fiancé (now husband), Mark, and …

Quintessential Colorado

Quintessential Colorado

Happy Holidays from Dempsey Group! With so many visitors traveling to Colorado for the holidays this year, we …

Damn The Interest Rates. Full Speed Ahead!

Damn The Interest Rates. Full Speed Ahead!

DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY If you’re a history buff, the subject of this email may look familiar. It’s …

5 Qualities Of A Great Real Estate Agent

5 Qualities Of A Great Real Estate Agent

Are you in the market for a new home? If so, finding the right real estate agent to …

Grateful For Family, Friends, And Games

Grateful For Family, Friends, And Games

Thanksgiving brings families and friends together in gratitude and celebration. No matter if you are hosting and making …

Introducing Dempsey Group

Introducing Dempsey Group

The Why Accomplishing big goals and overcoming new challenges energizes and excites me, so it may not come …