What Would You Do With $115k?


Have you envisioned what your life will look like in five years? What do you hope to achieve? Do you have a plan to get there?
These are questions my team and I have found ourselves asking clients lately because of the dynamic economic and real estate times of today.
Interest rates are high, yet inventory has begun to dramatically fly off the shelves. Would-be sellers feel locked-in due to their low interest rate, contributing to decreasing housing supply and rising prices. Buyers are more picky than ever and increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of inventory available.
The result of these challenges is a growing number of people who are feeling stuck and are parking themselves on the sidelines waiting for things to change that are out of their control (inventory, interest rates, market conditions, etc.).
Unfortunately, waiting on the sidelines is where missed opportunities are sitting, too.
A recent survey of top economists nationwide by Zillow and Pulsenomics found that home price appreciation is predicted to rise 23% over the next five years. If you bought a $500k property today, you would add ~$115k to your net worth in 2028 just by owning a property. This is the transformational power of real estate and it’s why we highly encourage clients to buy what they can today so that they can buy what they want tomorrow.
So, where do you want to be in five years?
At Dempsey Group, we believe there is a solution for every situation and objection and we are here to be your out-of-the box solution providers. Here’s what you need to know:
  • Interest rates are temporary and there are strategies available to you today to bring down your rate.

  • Do you want to be a homeowner but aren’t happy with inventory in your price point because it needs a little TLC? There are loan programs available that will enable you to buy the home and finance the remodel – all done within your desired downpayment and monthly payment goals. As an avid home remodeler myself, I am helping clients do everything from picking contractors to picking materials.

  • Americans are drowning in credit card debt. What if we can use the equity in your house to pay off your debt AND find you your forever home within your desired monthly budget? This is possible today.

  • Do you want to live in a specific neighborhood but aren’t seeing homes listed there? Our marketing and outreach strategies are uncovering off-market opportunities.

  • Do you want to sell for top dollar, but know your home needs some updating? We help you strategize the highest ROI updates and work with service providers who will remodel your home and take payment at closing.
The list goes on, but the takeaway is the same:
We truly believe in homeownership and its ability to transform lives for the better. We work hard every day to find options and opportunities for our clients in all market conditions so that they can live their life to the fullest knowing their real estate strategy is hard at work for them.


  • Inventory is dropping week over week. We now have a one month of supply of homes available (just over 3,700 homes for sale across seven metro counties).

  • A seller’s odds of selling is 60%, up from 35% during the last week of 2022.

  • A seller should expect 3.5 showings/week and it will take about 15 showings to receive an offer if the home is priced right and shows well.

  • At the end of 2022, the average days on market for a home was 51. Today, it’s 13 days on the market.

  • The takeaway of this data is that market activity has increased dramatically and sooner than predicted at this point in 2023.


Tired of cooking? Check out our list for funky (and iconic) places to eat around Denver and have a memorable night on the town!

If you are looking for quick hits on the market, follow me on LinkedIn to get daily insight. If we can help you strategize your next steps in real estate in the Denver metro or elsewhere in the U.S., please reply or book a call with me!